Hello to everyone in Blogger Land! Wow, it's been so long since I posted that I don't even know what to say. We are all doing well and enjoying life as a family.
Monchichi is getting so BIG! He has grown three inches and put on 8 pounds in the four months since his arrival home. He's a great eater and started walking last month.
He really is the light of our lives. Our entertainment at night is to watch him play. We are so amazed at every little thing he does. Rob and I are very goofy people and Monchichi has picked up on this goofiness. He makes us laugh so much!
Well, I hope everyone is doing great. I know there have been ups and down for everybody over the past couple of months---no matter what stage of the adoption process we are in. I guess that's life. Still, my prayer is that we enjoy the good times to the max and that we persevere and get strength through the down times.
I've been keeping up with a lot of your blogs and it warms my heart to see all the happenings and photos! I promise I'll try to be better at posting!
Smiles from Michelle