Ok--I laughed so hard last night. Mirna was too funny with her commentary with Charla. But, Charla gives it right back to her. They are hilarious. Even Dustin and Kandice thought they were a riot while they were trying to finish the sausage challenge. I have a thought about all these funny clips of Mirna and Charla. I said to Rob last night--I think they are going to win. If you can recall the season with Flo and Zack, the episodes were full of scenes with Flo crying or having a fit or getting upset with Zack. BTW, just as an aside, I do need to mention that Flo and Zack are alums of Vassar College, my alma mater as well! And they won! So, we'll see. Any other bets on who might win! I am happy that some of my favorite teams are still in the challenge so it'll be a great finish!
Episode Recap #4 The Court Hearing
I do want to continue with updates about our adoption trip because I hope somewhere down the line it is helpful to someone going through the process. I know I was incredibly encouraged and hopeful as I watched many couples go through the process through their blogs!
On the day of court, I couldn't even think about sitting down to eat breakfast. Plus, I do like to be alone sometimes to meditate, pray, and gather my thoughts and feelings. So, Rob went down to the buffet and gave me some alone time in the room. I did eat one of the Balance bars that we packed with us for the trip. I took my time getting ready and just tried to remain calm.
We met downstairs at 9 30 am with our translator and she walked with us over to court. It was nice because our friends were in the lobby waiting for us to wish us well! We walked over to the courthouse--about 5 minutes away and went to the room. It was a small room but was set up in a traditional "court" style with a bench for the judge, two sides with desks for the attorneys, and benches behind them. Rob and I just sat down and held hands and waited anxiously for the session to begin. The prosecutor arrived early and he asked to see pictures of us with Monchichi from the first trip. I had put together a little album and he flipped through it. The last two pages had pictures of Monchichi's room and the prosecutor added "what a nice room". I was happy because Rob and I really wanted to create a peaceful atmosphere for our son. Rob worked so hard painting and putting furniture together to make it just right! Thank you, honey! See, in our family, I have the ideas but Rob does most of the hard labor!
I do have to mention that I can't say anything specific about the court hearing because it is private and closed. I will add that we were both asked a few questions by the judge and prosecutor. I wasn't too nervous once the whole procedure started but I was just hoping it would be over---and that there would be a good outcome. Well, the "hearing" took 35 minutes and then we had to wait about 20 minutes for the judge to return to read the decision. It was the longest 20 minutes of my life! Everyone else was chatting and happy and I just wanted it all confirmed.
The judge did come in and read the positive decision--and the ten days was waived. I just remember Rob and I hugging each other so tight and breaking down in tears. It was very emotional because this journey to having a family has been a very long one with many heartbreaks and disappointments along the way.
Everyone came over and congratulated us and we were so happy! We were able to speak with the judge and we assured her that we would love and adore and take great care of Monchichi. She told us she knew we had enough love but to make sure we had patience. A very wise statement!
After court, we walked back to the hotel and went to our friends' room where we talked and made lunch plans. We had to have a quick lunch because we were meeting up with the facilitator to run some errands that afternoon. Those included getting the birth certificates, amended birth certificates, and adoption certificates. We did a lot of waiting but we didn't mind as we were all so happy. We just chatted about the children and the next stages and so many things! To end the day, we had dinner at the cafe, of course, and desserts in the hotel lobby bar as a special celebration!
That's about it for that day...More to come!
Here's a fun picture of Rob and Monchichi! Rob loves to experiment with photography so I am always finding new photos on our computer that I didn't know he took. He must have taken this one when I was getting ready to go out last weekend and he was taking care of Monchichi. Now, I know I am biased but aren't they handsome guys? I love you both sooo much!