Rob and I were laughing so much last night at Charla and Mirna's accents they were using with the natives in the different countries. At one point, they sounded Italian and we weren't sure why they were doing this accent thing. It was pretty funny! Whatever works for you...
I was sad to see Teri and Ian go. But, I was so encouraged to see their spirit. I can't imagine Rob and I doing this race not once but twice in our 50s. I can't even imagine us doing it now. Two trips to Russia in less than two months was a lot for us!
Episode Recap #3
Speaking of our trip to Russia, I need to continue with my recaps of our second trip. I left off on a Monday night where we had dinner to discuss the court case with our facilitator.
On Tuesday, we went to the baby home with our friends to visit the children. On the first trip, they gave us separate rooms but on this day they put us all together in one room. It was pretty crowded with all the adults and the children. We were so excited when they brought in Monchichi. It was so emotional to see him again. He looked bigger and more grown-up to us. On the first trip, he bonded well with me but was a little unsure about Rob. On this visit, he took to Rob right away and I was so happy and encouraged! He gave us big toothy smiles and laughs this day! We didn't have a long visit but his smile kept me going through the next 24 hours as I anticipated our court hearing.
Here is a picture from that visit...
Don't you love his red bonnet?
After our visit, we went with our friends to our "cafe" for lunch. We found this cafe on the first trip and we basically went there for every meal during our two stays except for breakfast at the hotel and one night at a different restaurant. We loved this cafe because it was inexpensive and had a variety of foods. The waitstaff was so nice to us and would play charades with us to help us decipher the Russian menu. There was no English menu but there were pictures of the meals so that was helpful. I especially enjoyed the potato pancakes and the steak meal at the cafe.
After lunch at the cafe, our friends had to go and get ready for their court hearing that afternoon. I was so nervous for them and for us for the next day. I couldn't decide whether I was happy that we had to wait until the next day or not.
Everything went well for them and we went out to celebrate that night with dinner at the cafe! I was so excited for them but still so nervous about our hearing the next day. Rob and I went back to our room and read through our paperwork and talked through some things to be prepared for the next day! Somehow, I think I slept a couple of hours that night!
That's it for this recap.
And, now for something fun! Here's a picture of Monchichi on his new rider toy! My aunt sent him some money and he went on a shopping spree at Babies R Us! Well, Mommy and Daddy may have made some of the choices!