Now, all of you who watch the Amazing Race know about pit stops. For those who don't, it is basically the end of a leg of the race. The teams need to check in with Phil (the host) at the pit stop and then they spend the night where they have a meal, do laundry, make phone calls, take showers, and sleep. The pit stops only last twelve hours. So, basically the moment they arrive sets the time they need to leave for the next leg (12 hours later).
Anyway, that's where I'd say we are---at a pit stop. Now, I wish ours only lasted twelve hours and that I could be back on a leg tomorrow! We handed in our paperwork and now it is off to our region. Hopefully, there will be no further requests and that we can be given a court date! In the meantime, my pit stop will include doing laundry and packing for our next trip, finishing the nursery, and cleaning my house from top to bottom! We're also hoping to see a movie or two and spend time with friends.
And, of course, if we are in the US, we will be watching The Amazing Race: All Stars on February 18th.
I can't very well title my blog "amazing race" without commenting on the upcoming round of the show. I've been waiting for all-stars and I was happy and surprised to see the chosen teams.
Here are some of my thoughts:
Kevin and Drew (the frat boys)--couldn't remember them at first but they should be fun!
Oswald and Danny--they will be so much fun---i hope they "first class" it again by using resources at fancy hotels and charming people
Charla and Mirna--I hope Mirna does some of the tasks this time! I'm going to keep track! Also, I read that Mirna is married now so I guess she won't be flirting with Phil.
Teri and Ian--Loved this couple! Should bring lots of laughs!
Team Guido--I still can't get over the fact that they won the fast forward on one leg and came in last (would have been eliminated but there was a technicality with another team) all because they took the time to get massages!
Rob and Amber--I can't seem to get them off of my tv! I saw the original Survivor with Amber, the original one with Rob, Survivor All-Stars with the two of them, and then they invaded The Amazing Race only to come back AGAIN! I just want to say one thing--I hope the other teams have learned something about Rob and the way he plays these games! He plays to win and he will do anything to win! Many people have made the mistake of trusting him and have been burned! Remember that!
The other teams---No main thoughts about them.
I really was hoping that Flo and Zack would be back along with the model twins from that season. But, overall, I think it will be a fun season! Hopefully, I'll miss few episodes because I'll have my court date. That's why I love my TIVO!
Amazing Race Fans---if you have any favorites you are happy to see back or a team you wish would have been back--post in the comments. I'd love to see your responses.
Back to the Adoption Front:
Congratulations to Jeff and Maria on your successful court date!
A warm send off to Lauren and Marco as they take off tomorrow!
Hope everyone has a great time in Moscow!